Love Remains
We need some positive....
Amidst the struggle of details, arrangements, finances, and insurance companies..... there is one GLARING and superior message that rings through my head. So much so that I have been writing this entry in my head for weeks... thinking "when I find the picture...."
My dad would be so proud. His four kids. We were his "it". He loved Frannie and she was his world, his side kick, his touchstone... but I think he spent his days and nights CONSTANTLY thinking about one of us. "how can I get them to do....." WHy are they doing...." "If only she could see that....." "When he/she is ready..... " Too, he also seemed to share his big plans for one of us with the others....leaving the one to think.... hummm He never could keep a secret!!!!
He would be so proud of how we are all coming through this. I know he is watching and I know he IS proud. His Fancie is being taken care of and he knows that we have all be put her first, using our each individual talents that are coming so keenly into play right now. Terry is like the CEO he is the commander, surveying and designing the master plan. Sue is the Executive Administrator, the woman has a serious brain in her head... she's smarter than all of us, and she is the single most organized human being I have ever met (sorry Jean, but you two could hold the Iron Chef of Organization....) I am the Executive Director... I don't take any thing from anyone... and I am in charge of all communications......Even had a doctor call me back today... impressive. My cell phone LITERALLY snapped in half today.... that has to be a sign that I need to shut my big mouth. Aimee is in charge of hospitality, solace and the homestead....making sure there are enough hugs, cuddles, cups of tea and when needed..... NO PHONE CALLS. Bill has all things electronic and digital (imagine that!) and is the handsome smile that saves the day... its sooo cool that he has such a big smile, because the house is missing one these days. David seems to have the expression department covered. When we can't express what we are feeling... we just read the blog. Emotional connections complete. I think he is also a remote for Both Frannie and Karen, to call when things here all seem way to real. It is such a vital role and it has helped them both.
The grands.. well.. they've got it all wrapped up in the hugs and smiles department. Emerson seems to be laughing out loud at nothing...... but maybe something.. or someone, is making her giggle....:-)
I am so proud of my sibs.... I just can't stand it. Above all the detail, and "stuff" that needs done these days...... we are all here for one another... it is a beautiful thing and sourrounding it is a love that we will never loose. Because Dad taught it to us.... support and encourage, motivate and console, challenge and support, tease tease tease and laugh.... but above all.... love your family.
Love you guys!
Amidst the struggle of details, arrangements, finances, and insurance companies..... there is one GLARING and superior message that rings through my head. So much so that I have been writing this entry in my head for weeks... thinking "when I find the picture...."
My dad would be so proud. His four kids. We were his "it". He loved Frannie and she was his world, his side kick, his touchstone... but I think he spent his days and nights CONSTANTLY thinking about one of us. "how can I get them to do....." WHy are they doing...." "If only she could see that....." "When he/she is ready..... " Too, he also seemed to share his big plans for one of us with the others....leaving the one to think.... hummm He never could keep a secret!!!!
He would be so proud of how we are all coming through this. I know he is watching and I know he IS proud. His Fancie is being taken care of and he knows that we have all be put her first, using our each individual talents that are coming so keenly into play right now. Terry is like the CEO he is the commander, surveying and designing the master plan. Sue is the Executive Administrator, the woman has a serious brain in her head... she's smarter than all of us, and she is the single most organized human being I have ever met (sorry Jean, but you two could hold the Iron Chef of Organization....) I am the Executive Director... I don't take any thing from anyone... and I am in charge of all communications......Even had a doctor call me back today... impressive. My cell phone LITERALLY snapped in half today.... that has to be a sign that I need to shut my big mouth. Aimee is in charge of hospitality, solace and the homestead....making sure there are enough hugs, cuddles, cups of tea and when needed..... NO PHONE CALLS. Bill has all things electronic and digital (imagine that!) and is the handsome smile that saves the day... its sooo cool that he has such a big smile, because the house is missing one these days. David seems to have the expression department covered. When we can't express what we are feeling... we just read the blog. Emotional connections complete. I think he is also a remote for Both Frannie and Karen, to call when things here all seem way to real. It is such a vital role and it has helped them both.
The grands.. well.. they've got it all wrapped up in the hugs and smiles department. Emerson seems to be laughing out loud at nothing...... but maybe something.. or someone, is making her giggle....:-)
I am so proud of my sibs.... I just can't stand it. Above all the detail, and "stuff" that needs done these days...... we are all here for one another... it is a beautiful thing and sourrounding it is a love that we will never loose. Because Dad taught it to us.... support and encourage, motivate and console, challenge and support, tease tease tease and laugh.... but above all.... love your family.
Love you guys!
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