PLease pray... We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us.
The blogger is far too tired to edit.. so please indulge without a red pen.... my hands are really lazy tonight.)
Today while in the hospital cafe in Pgh, I read a quote from Dr. King, which I think is biblically referenced, but I'm not sure what the exact reference is.... But paraphrased... It is not how we handle our successes that defines our character, but how we handle our crisis and challenges.
WOW.. That could be the quote of the day.
I barely know how to start...
We visited my dad on Tue. night and let the girls have some time with him. He had to have all his teeth removed, so he was in a lot of pain and discomfort. It was great, but now seems like a million years ago.
Wed we reported to the hospital at 5 am. Since I decided not to sleep the night before (if a decision is not being able to...) I was already a bit crazy going in.
I had told my self that I'd be able to get a later flight to Atlanta and my dad would be out of the operation before I left... I spent a lot of the day busying myself with making sure my flight was arranged for the latest departure. I just knew that it would be ok.. He'd be fine. I'd go to GA, and come home just in time for him to feel himself and get quality time with him.
His operation was over 10 hours long.. much longet than we'd thought. When I got on the plane he was still in surgery, but I was just sure everything would be ok.
I landed in GA and checked my messages. Tim had called and said he had "news"... that didn't sound good.
Dad was out of surgery, but his heart would not pump on its own and he was on a heart by pass machine. It was serious... they'd need to go in again and replace the valve and if that didn't work, we'd be looking at a transplant. I was totally devistated and I felt TERRIBLE for leaving, althoughI felt a sneaking suspicion that I was supposed tobe ther. IT turned out ot be good, because you can have a MUCH better "come apart" in an airport with a zillion strangers than you can in hospital waiting room with your baby brother and sister... even if they are 25 and 27!
MY MK SISTERS totally picked my up (almost literally once from the airport and once from pure exhaustion). There is NO BETTER group of women... such power.. such encouragement and love. Thank you Pam, Barb, Crystal, Terri and especially Noel for being my persoanl angels today.
They convinced me to eat and get some rest and examine my flight options in the am. I went to bed after a call from my younger brother asking that I come home. The phone rang at 445... dad was being rushed into surgery to stop internal bleeding. Before my feet hit the ground. Noel and Crystal had my bags packed, me dressed and Delta contacted. They rushed me to the airport and I was ona plane by 715! It was amazing.
By the time I landed in PGH at 9:15, dad was out of surgery and the bleeding was under control. He lost 14 pints of blood overnight. He had a total transfusion and they were still pumping it. My AMAZING and WONDERFUL husband met me at the door at the hospital. Dad was really in bad shape They wanted me to help them wake him up from the medically imposed coma they had him in so they could assess neurologic function. I am blessed that he responded and we had a pseudo-converstation... of sorts. He was responding to instruction and moving his body parts.
There was on issue... his right leg wasn't responding well, but he was able to giggle it a bit.
I was there with him until 2. I kept telling him that he had to be a fighter that we HAD to give Frannie (my step mom) some good news and that Mary Kate and Claire were ready for their next basketball lesson.. he needed to get strong fast and OPEN THOSE EYES.
He did at a few points open his eyes. He winked or squeezed our hands... It was so so so hard to not let him see me cry... I kept trying to tell him I loved him. But it was too hard to do it without crying. The nurse (BTW...WHAT an amazing staff.... amazing. Jen our nurse.. wow. The support staff... seriously people.... UPMC Pittsburgh needs to give these popela medal... amazing. ) thought his leg was improving and she'd be getting him cleaned up and moved a bit and I'dbe back in a few hours. I left to get food to my family and change.
When we returned, the nurse said she paged a Vascular Surgeon to come look at his leg. It wasn;t getting enought oxygen. She told us that he needed a procedure that may not work, frankly, but was the only way to save his leg. SAVE HIS LEG??? This is a heart issue!
He has had the procedure and they are watching to see if he will need to have his leg removed.... There are simply not words that I can use in the english language to express my total shock....
So now we wait to see if it works and we pray that it all goes well........................They will still n eed to get the heart stronger and hopefully working on its own before they do this all over again and try and get him a heart valve replacement.
I am trying to stay positive and thank GOODNESS for MK, our I wouldn' t have the "tools" to handle this. But this simply put is more an I EVER thougth would EVER happen.
It is just stunning.
My Dad is a fighter and he'd do ANYTHING for his kids and his grandchildren. I know he will fight through his and he will coach mary .... after all, that is what she wants and she ALWAYS gets what she wants from her PapPap Fran!
Please pray for the whole family. My brother Dave is coming in tomorrow...I am so glad. I miss him and it sort of feels like a fourth wheel is missing. Dad will be happy to know he is here I'm sure.
I'm too tired to type anymore. Pray for Dad. I love you ... thanks for checking in.. My brother dave has some great pics of dad and a wonderful blog...
I can't get the computer to spell check, so you; ll have to forgive my typos
Today while in the hospital cafe in Pgh, I read a quote from Dr. King, which I think is biblically referenced, but I'm not sure what the exact reference is.... But paraphrased... It is not how we handle our successes that defines our character, but how we handle our crisis and challenges.
WOW.. That could be the quote of the day.
I barely know how to start...
We visited my dad on Tue. night and let the girls have some time with him. He had to have all his teeth removed, so he was in a lot of pain and discomfort. It was great, but now seems like a million years ago.
Wed we reported to the hospital at 5 am. Since I decided not to sleep the night before (if a decision is not being able to...) I was already a bit crazy going in.
I had told my self that I'd be able to get a later flight to Atlanta and my dad would be out of the operation before I left... I spent a lot of the day busying myself with making sure my flight was arranged for the latest departure. I just knew that it would be ok.. He'd be fine. I'd go to GA, and come home just in time for him to feel himself and get quality time with him.
His operation was over 10 hours long.. much longet than we'd thought. When I got on the plane he was still in surgery, but I was just sure everything would be ok.
I landed in GA and checked my messages. Tim had called and said he had "news"... that didn't sound good.
Dad was out of surgery, but his heart would not pump on its own and he was on a heart by pass machine. It was serious... they'd need to go in again and replace the valve and if that didn't work, we'd be looking at a transplant. I was totally devistated and I felt TERRIBLE for leaving, althoughI felt a sneaking suspicion that I was supposed tobe ther. IT turned out ot be good, because you can have a MUCH better "come apart" in an airport with a zillion strangers than you can in hospital waiting room with your baby brother and sister... even if they are 25 and 27!
MY MK SISTERS totally picked my up (almost literally once from the airport and once from pure exhaustion). There is NO BETTER group of women... such power.. such encouragement and love. Thank you Pam, Barb, Crystal, Terri and especially Noel for being my persoanl angels today.
They convinced me to eat and get some rest and examine my flight options in the am. I went to bed after a call from my younger brother asking that I come home. The phone rang at 445... dad was being rushed into surgery to stop internal bleeding. Before my feet hit the ground. Noel and Crystal had my bags packed, me dressed and Delta contacted. They rushed me to the airport and I was ona plane by 715! It was amazing.
By the time I landed in PGH at 9:15, dad was out of surgery and the bleeding was under control. He lost 14 pints of blood overnight. He had a total transfusion and they were still pumping it. My AMAZING and WONDERFUL husband met me at the door at the hospital. Dad was really in bad shape They wanted me to help them wake him up from the medically imposed coma they had him in so they could assess neurologic function. I am blessed that he responded and we had a pseudo-converstation... of sorts. He was responding to instruction and moving his body parts.
There was on issue... his right leg wasn't responding well, but he was able to giggle it a bit.
I was there with him until 2. I kept telling him that he had to be a fighter that we HAD to give Frannie (my step mom) some good news and that Mary Kate and Claire were ready for their next basketball lesson.. he needed to get strong fast and OPEN THOSE EYES.
He did at a few points open his eyes. He winked or squeezed our hands... It was so so so hard to not let him see me cry... I kept trying to tell him I loved him. But it was too hard to do it without crying. The nurse (BTW...WHAT an amazing staff.... amazing. Jen our nurse.. wow. The support staff... seriously people.... UPMC Pittsburgh needs to give these popela medal... amazing. ) thought his leg was improving and she'd be getting him cleaned up and moved a bit and I'dbe back in a few hours. I left to get food to my family and change.
When we returned, the nurse said she paged a Vascular Surgeon to come look at his leg. It wasn;t getting enought oxygen. She told us that he needed a procedure that may not work, frankly, but was the only way to save his leg. SAVE HIS LEG??? This is a heart issue!
He has had the procedure and they are watching to see if he will need to have his leg removed.... There are simply not words that I can use in the english language to express my total shock....
So now we wait to see if it works and we pray that it all goes well........................They will still n eed to get the heart stronger and hopefully working on its own before they do this all over again and try and get him a heart valve replacement.
I am trying to stay positive and thank GOODNESS for MK, our I wouldn' t have the "tools" to handle this. But this simply put is more an I EVER thougth would EVER happen.
It is just stunning.
My Dad is a fighter and he'd do ANYTHING for his kids and his grandchildren. I know he will fight through his and he will coach mary .... after all, that is what she wants and she ALWAYS gets what she wants from her PapPap Fran!
Please pray for the whole family. My brother Dave is coming in tomorrow...I am so glad. I miss him and it sort of feels like a fourth wheel is missing. Dad will be happy to know he is here I'm sure.
I'm too tired to type anymore. Pray for Dad. I love you ... thanks for checking in.. My brother dave has some great pics of dad and a wonderful blog...
I can't get the computer to spell check, so you; ll have to forgive my typos
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