Claire started school this week. PRe K 3... She goes twice a week from 830-11 and she loves it. The first day we went to meet the teachers and she cried when we had to leave. Then on her first day I knew I had really chosen "motherhood" and not smotherhood or otherhood.... when she kissed and hugged me, said, "see you at 11" and promptly turned and walked through the door. She never looked back.
Above you will see her making a cookie at the Play Doh table, Spelling her name with large cloth letters, and then hamming it up with her teachers Mrs. Szakos (left) and Mrs. Davis (right) These women are amazing and so so so patient. She loves them!
She was thrilled with the playdoh and the snack time and still seems to have a bit of a crush on "Hunter". This too shall pass.
SHE LOVES school and everything about it, but is a little miffed she doesn't get to wear a uniform like her sister.