
Tuesday, October 13, 2009

GREAT Parent Teacher Conferences tonight!!! YEAH!

The girls are both doing well. Their teachers are totally sent from heaven!!! We love them. Both are doing well. Claire is catching up in her reading. Mary Kate is thriving in fourth grade!

LOVED that Claire's teacher "gets" that Claire lives in her own little universe! (Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one!) Was a great night for both of them. Mary Kate was totally nervous!!! No need.. she is a great student!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

They were all smiles yesterday... big day at a new school... They loved it... Still navigating their way...but doing a great job!!! So proud of them such campers they are.. they will be very adaptable when they grow up...

Super proud of them on the way to school... we decided the best thing to do is to Pray! Mary was our leader (this is big she is such a Catholic and doesn't love to pray out load or extemporaneously!! ) She had a big sigh and said, "Dear Lord, please bless us today at our new school YSES (like he didn't know) and our teachers that they will have a lot of creativity and energy and that we will make some friends and have some fun and learn a lot of great stuff..." and as she sighed again Claire shouted "AND THAT WE WON'T GET DETENTION!!!!!"

OH BOY.. .here we come 2009-2010 school year! Hope you are ready for the Tylka girls!

Sunday, August 23, 2009


Well.. there is only one thing that can be said about the excitement of two girls, who previously could only wear uniforms to Catholic School, get ready for the first day of school - PUBLIC SCHOOL

I mean, these girls are ready. As they sleep in their room, the book bags are packed, the lunches are ready, the forms are ready for the teachers, even the breakfast bowls are out and ready for the big day....

Perhaps the biggest change is that they don't have to be there till 8:30 am and the is EARLY the school day actually starts at 9... CRAZY... they are used to being on the bus at 7:15 am.. so this is a HOPEFULLY going to be much smoother, especially for Claire who is NOT an early riser!

Even Lucy got two new shirts... my husband CLEARLY needs a hobby.

The girls could NOT be more happy about starting the new school year... and I agree.. we are all very anxious about all these changes and the waiting waiting waiting game of our new house.

So... at least tomorrow we check a few things of the "new beginnings" list.

They both have met their teachers, Mary has Mrs. Stanton and Claire Mrs. Hawk, both are young and full of energy and ideas. Claire's first grade class room is decorated like a JUNGLE.. with monkeys hanging from the wall.. She was in HEAVEN.. totally loved it. Her teacher really connected with her and for that we are grateful.

They kids even met a family, who just moved from Louisiana. The son, Carter is in Mary's class room and the daughter, Raven is in Claire... YIPEE!!!! We were so happy for this! And to make a connection to someone else who is "New". I anticipate a playdate soon.

Mary's teacher is also very good, and I can tell will challenge her. We are really anxious around here.. New details tomorrow.

In other news.. for those who were wondering how my doc appts went over the weekend.. still not sure why this big bump is on the side of my neck, but there will be more testing... It is getting bigger and is painful.. so motrin here I come! We'll see what they find...

Say a prayer for Tim as we navigate him moving from one contract company to another and then SWIFTLY to the government position ..... Should have news soon.

More details on a fun first day of school tomorrow!!!! Stay tuned!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New School Year.. New Beginning for us!

Wow.. I haven't updated since January... Clearly a lot has taken place since then...

Wanted to let you know that I am going to attempt to update weekly for the Family and Friends at home who want to keep up with the Crazy Tylka Girls and out goings-on.....

This should help keep us all in the loop and help you to watch them grow especially those that don't facebook (YES Rob, I'm talking to YOU!)

A brief update and then pictures tomorrow from our grand Locks of Love Adventures today....

We are finally feeling at home in Frederick MD. Getting the girls ready for school, which starts Monday. WOW. 4th and 1st grade this year.. BIG BIG stuff... Mary met her teacher tonight. We really liked her. Claire meets hers tomorrow.

Can't help being a little apprehensive about a new school year. Lets face it.... its a lot of work for a mom. And this summer with the move(s) we had NO schedule, NO activities, nada! So although I am longing for more time to work, I am NOT looking forward to the demands of the school year.Not to mention the fact that I finally felt like we had a clue as to what was going on at our old school and now here we are starting all over again!

We will see how we do at Public School.... this should be fun! The girls are SUPER SUPER excited..... Tim is looking forward to his days off with them in school so we can enjoy early holiday shopping and furniture shopping sans kiddos... Should be fun! I will look forward to his days off too... he can do drop off and pick up four days a month YIPEE!

Happy 2009-2010 School year my friends!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Love you Dad!

Wow.. How on earth did it get to be January 14th. Feels like life hasn't been right sine December 2.... But here we are and now is the day to remember my first love, my Dad! I so appreciate the love my daughters have for Tim, as I miss sharing that with my Dad. Three YEARS.. wow. How is that possible. So much loss in these last three years, but so much good too!

We are blessed. Seems like a chapter in our lives is closing as we look to our new adventures and Tim's new job. But wow. It is hard to look back on these last three years. So I just spend to day thinking of one loss..but celebrate his life and love and "his girls"....

The results from the ultra sound are in.. and Mary's blood clot is gone. She surely has some angels in heaven looking down, right? It should have taken 3-6 months of injections. But 8 weeks is all our super girl needed. Back to dance and just in time for Basketball to start next saturday.. She is thrilled. I am sure my dad had something to do with this.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

This week we are getting ourselves some elves!! We are trying to get ourselves in the Christmas Spirit after the recent loss of Pap Tylka and Mary's hospital visit.

Gingerbread anyone???? Claire (now aged 6... wow it has been along time since I have updated this site!) had a ball.. and made a HUGE mess. She called hers GUMDROP LANE

She did a great job on the door and window... as well as the trees.. all by herself... thank you very much!

Mary Kate had a ball making sure her house was "balanced". She is a riot.... No running or dancing this Christmas thanks to her blood thinners.. but thankfully we get this time to spend together and do this sort of activity!!!

I love my girls. I am the luckiest mom on the planet!!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

ALL I want for Christmas is... my two front teeth!

IT makes a mommy sad..... my girl is a big girl now.... She even pulled it out herself.... Our Jackolantern has turned into Dracula.....


Happy TURKEY DAY to ALL!!!

Have a blessed and beautful thanksgiving friends... We are having a ball today.The girls decorated cookies for our "SEAST" as Claire pronounces FEAST and are headed to spend the day with Family.

Claire is above being an indian princess at school playing her tom tom. She loved it.

We went to visit santa last nights, so as soon as I can scan the photo, I'll post it.

Have a blessed day!
